Liberty and Power: Medium Post #1

In an endeavor to expand my base of readers, and to experience other platforms, I have decided to post a thought piece on the nature of democracy in protecting liberty. It’s a brief five minute read that you can check out over at Medium. For your benefit, I’ll summarize here:

States will infringe upon, and regulate your rights for more often in scope and frequency than the federal government. Slavery, which is a complex issue of its own, same sex marriage, abortion, and second amendment rights are all “high profile” topics with histories that show state based infringements long prefacing the federal government’s attempts at doing so. In many instances, it seems, the federal government’s laws are a result, or an extension of state based legal trends. This can be seen especailly with abortion, same sex issues (marriage and sodomy), as well as the war on drugs. Kentucky was the first state to attempt a ban on the concealment of weapons back in the 1800’s. California was the first to begin implementing drug laws, and this tread swept eastward in response to specific immigrants that states saw a particular problem with.

So please, if you have a chance, please go check out my article. The Watchtower will remain as my main forum for discussing such topics. Medium is an experiment, an adventure.

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